So many books…so little time…
In this section you will find books on body image, eating disorders, obesity, diet culture, body size and weight stigma – fiction and non-fiction – chosen to empower, encourage and entertain you.
(I’ve tried to tag each review, however, there really are as many ‘categories’ as there are body sizes!)
Have a favourite book you would like to recommend or review? A previous review I can repost? Do get in touch!
Worried about the effects of a poor body image on yourself, a friend or family member? Want to better understand the link between diet culture, body image and eating disorders? These classic titles offer us insight and practical advice.
It's really all about the science of why some of us do, and some of us don't gain weight. This 'anti- diet' diet book by a geneticist shows how obesity is complicated. While our environment has changed, our genes have not.
“It all started when I realised that fat people are deserving of happiness and entitled to take up space. Fat people are not lesser humans. You can be happy and fat, you deserve to be happy and fat, being happy and fat is an option. All you need to do is believe that, and then we can begin.”
This ground-breaking book was unique in asserting we can make ‘peace with food’ by accepting our legitimate hunger and eating to satisfy it, thus starting the 'intuitive eating' movement.